Welcome to the only Nepalese restaurant in Vaasa

Experience the Himalayan Charm in Vaasa, Finland! Step into the only Nepalese restaurant and savor authentic flavors from the heart of Nepal in a truly unique dining experience.

Alacarte Menu Reservation

Thursday Lunch Buffet 11-15 13,50 eur

Butter Chicken (l,g)

Kanaa tomaatti-voi-kermakastikkeessa. Kyckling i tomatsmörgräddsås.

Curry Lamb (l,g)

Tandoorimaustettua lammasta curry-kastikkeessa. Lammkött kryddat med tandoori i currysås.

Korma Tofu (l,g)

Tofua kermainen curry-kastikkeessa. Tofu i krämig currysås.

Chicken Sunsari (l,g)

Kanaa valkosipuli curry-kastikkeessa. Kyckling i vitlökscurrysås.

Mixed Vegetables in Chilli Sauce (l,g)

Sekavihanneksia chilokastikkeessa. Blandade grönsaker i chilysås.

Fish Fried (l)

Maustetut ja maissijauhoilla paistetut kalat. Fisk stekt med kryddor och majsmjöl.

Tandoori Chicken Sauté (g)

Tandoorimaustettuja kananpaloja sauté. Tandoorikryddad kyckling.

Spiced Beans in Sauce (l,g)

Maustettuja papuja kastikkeessa. Kryddiga bönor i sås.

Fried Vegetables (l,g)

Paistettua kasviksia. Stekta grönsaker.

Naan Bread

Pehmeä tandoorileipä. Mjuk tandooribröd.

Jalebi Dessert

Rapea makea jälkiruoka. Krispig söt dessert.

Ice Cream Bar

Erilaisia jäätelöitä ja lisukkeita. Olika glassorter och tillbehör.

Salad Table

Salaattipöytä tuoreista vihanneksista. Salladsbord med färska grönsaker.

    11:00   -  15:00
    11:00   -  21:00
    11:00   -  22:00
    12:00   -  22:00
    12:00   -  20:00

Order Online

Enjoy your favorite dishes from the comfort of your home. Order online through Wolt or Foodora and have your meal delivered right to your doorstep.


Best Seller
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    Tandoor mix Sizzler  (l,g)
    25,50 €
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    Shahi Paneer (g)
    16,00 €
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    Palak Paneer(g)  (myös vegan)
    16,50 €
  • Product Image
    Bhedo Korma Malai (l,g)
    18,50 €
  • Product Image
    Chicken Tikka Masala (g) hot
    18,00 €
  • Product Image
    Paneer pakora (g,p)
    7,00 €
  • Product Image
    Butter Chicken (l,g)
    18,00 €


Catering services At Sunsari, we provide exceptional catering services throughout Vaasa and the surrounding areas. Whether for a corporate event or an intimate family gathering, we specialize in creating customized menus that cater to your specific needs. All of our dishes are made fresh in-house, using only the finest ingredients—never relying on readymade products. While we focus on delivering outstanding cuisine, you can trust that every meal we serve is crafted with care and attention to detail, ensuring a memorable dining experience for your guests.

Catering Inquery Form


Ravintola Sunsari is a charming restaurant located in Vaasa, Finland, offering a delightful blend of Nepali and Asian cuisine. Renowned for its authentic flavors, inviting ambiance, and excellent hospitality.

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